The Two Best Ways To Save The Most Money On Your Healthcare Costs

October 11, 2022


2 Best Ways To Save Money On Your Healthcare Costs

A Recent Study By Policy Genius Uncovered The Fact That Americans Have A Low Level Of Confidence When It Comes To Picking The Right Healthcare Coverage.

At Revolt Healthcare Alliance Our Goal Is To Provide You With Tools And Resources So That You Have A High Level Of Confidence And Can Maximize The Healthcare Coverage You Do Select.

Healthcare Confidence Rates in the US

1. Lower Your Healthcare Costs By Shopping Smart For Health Insurance: Compare Premiums AND Coverage

Most people spend an average of 18 minutes shopping for their healthcare benefits.

Average Time spent shopping for health insurance: just 18 minutes!
This is startling, when you consider that a family’s average Health Insurance premium is $1,168 per month; By comparison the average monthly mortgage payment for US homeowners is $1,030!
For individuals in the US the average monthly health insurance premium is $440, while the average monthly new car payment is $530.
Most people’s healthcare premiums are as expensive as a car payment or second mortgage.
You could be saving hundreds of dollars every month by comparing your health insurance options and finding the balance of cost and coverage that is right for you.

At Revolt Healthcare Alliance, we believe in transparency and would love to help you compare your options!

To get started, see what truly affordable health insurance costs HERE!

2. Lower Your Healthcare Costs By Shopping For The Best Procedure Prices

Just because your doctor referred you to that hospital, does not mean they are going to offer the best price - or even be in-network!

It’s critical to get pricing up-front from not only the doctor performing the procedure, but also the facility.

Our Concierge team of specialists are here to help you pre-price your procedures, so that you know what to expect, before you ever set foot in a doctors office.

Not a Concierge member? You can compare procedure prices by visiting the Fair Health Consumer to estimate your healthcare expenses.

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Free Health Insurance Shopping Checklist by Revolt Healthcare Alliance Frisco, Texas

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Free Health Insurance Shopping Checklist by Revolt Healthcare Alliance Frisco, Texas

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